The Sayers Group has evolved over the past 17 years. Like every start-up, I took on every opportunity that came my way. I did interim management, sales coaching and free help. After a few years, I wanted to be a teacher. The next 3 or four years was spent in the classroom with Canadian Professional Sales Association and Canadian Management Association. Next, I wanted to be a “Speaker” and for the next few years, I taught and did keynotes around North America. The next stage was beginning to work with larger organizations and focus on “Sales Enablement” and “Strategic Focus” for organizations. This has allowed me to evolve to deal with all parts of organizations as we work to grow their business.
I have struggled with my story in the past few years, as I say I am a sales “guy” to organizations. Joy tells me all the time – “You are more than a sales guy!” I wasn’t understanding that. Late last year Joy and I were in Calgary visiting my 89-year old mother. In the car driving from a visit with family, my Mum asked me to explain what it was I did for a living. For about five minutes I rambled on about all that I did and what it meant – blah, blah, blah!!! At the end of my ramble she looked over at me and said: “Oh, so you help people grow their business and make more money”. Joy sent a text with that statement and after that evening, I realized that I do more than sales.
My focus begins on the sales side of the business and then evolves into the organization. The sales team is only as good as the organization behind them and the organization is only as successful as the sales team leading the organization. That means that the organization needs to work as a team to manage the growth and profitability of the company. Communication and cooperation among the teams are a must for this success to happen.
This holistic approach is what creates the success I have with companies. I am dealing with the Owner, CEO or VP of Sales. I get the cooperation of the Leadership team and they are part of my discovery and planning at the beginning of the project. As the project evolves the parts of the organization that affect the sales process are part of the discussion and solution that is being created. By doing this I eliminate the “Sales” vs “The Organization” issue that can limit a company’s growth or end up ruining an organization.
So, if you want to grow your business and make more money – Call or write me!